
Prayer & Worship Night

Our monthly prayer and worship night is this Monday, February 10. Join us at 6:30pm, and childcare will be available for children ages 5 & under.

Winter Clothing Drive

Bring in your gently used coats and winter wear to donate to the homeless on Sunday, February 9. You can also grab another homeless care package in the lobby that day to share with anyone you come across!

Blended Families

A 10-week group beginning Sunday, February 16 is going to be running for blended families. This group will meet at 10:30 (during second service) to walk through a workbook together on how to navigate issues, challenges, and life’s ups and downs as a blended family.
If that applies to you, sign up here to join!

Volunteer Training Meeting

If you serve in our Kids’, Armory, or High School Ministry, please plan to attend an important training meeting on Sunday, February 23, from 12:30-3:30 pm. This meeting will train you on our new digital check-in system that will be implemented, as well as an update on necessary safety protocols.

Sign up here to attend - lunch is provided!


We want to serve with you! Whether that is greeting as a part of our welcome team, joining our care team in practically helping our community (making meals for those homebound, giving rides to the elderly, event set up & tear down), discipling our youth in the Armory or High School ministry, or making breakfast for our worship & staff team on Sunday mornings.

There is a place for everyone, and we’d love to make much of Jesus with you. Email our church office to get involved!

Men’s Retreat

Men’s Retreat is coming up! February 28 - March 2 at Del Oro Conference Center in Nevada City. The cost for the weekend varies depending on accommodation, but click here to get more info and to register!

We’d like to hear from you!

This coming year we are compiling resources to share on how we can follow in the way of Jesus. We’d like to hear questions or thoughts you have on the forefront of your mind on this! Follow this link to let us know!
We won’t be able to answer every question, but we’d still love to hear what is on your mind.

Daily Reading Plan

Every few months we release an updated reading plan that parallels our Sunday morning teaching! If you would like to join us in following the way of Jesus through scripture reading, you can find the reading plan here, or you can pick up a bookmark in the church office/lobby.