She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness.

Proverbs 31:26

Women’s Ministry at Crossroads provides opportunities for women of all ages to worship God together, study His Word, discover His will for our lives, and encourage each other through developing uplifting friendships.

Weekly Bible Study

Our Women’s Bible study gathers weekly and offers a variety of studies throughout the year. Each gives the opportunity to study the Bible personally and in community with other women. Join us to learn, make friendships, and have meaningful conversations about things that matter. Children’s and home school programs are available during our Tuesday morning study. 

All are welcome to join us anytime! Join one of our studies currently in progress:

Women’s Bible Study: Our women’s Bible study will start September 17 and run through April 2025. We will study the book of Revelation verse-by-verse. Sign up today! You are welcome to join anytime during the year.

Stitched in Christ: This group meets to create hats and booties for Living Well Medical Clinic families and for Bible devotion and discussion time. They meet weekly on Mondays from 10 to 12 in the coffee shop. Sign up to join! Beginners are welcome!

Women's Events

Girls’ Night Out: Women are invited to come spend a night out getting to know other women once a quarter at our Girls’ Night Out (aka GNO). We don’t have a night on the calendar yet, but check back soon!

Women’s Retreat: Our next women’s retreat will be in October 2026. We hope you’ll spend the weekend with us!

Divorce Care

This small group brings support and a caring community to women experiencing the difficulties that come with divorce. Join us to find wisdom and comfort in God’s word. You are welcome to join any time! 

Our last group session just finished, but feel free to e-mail us with questions. We will announce a new group before it begins.

Women's Prayer Groups

Women’s Intercessory Prayer: A group meets every week to pray together for the staff and ministries of Crossroads Church. If you would like to join them, there is no need to sign up, just show up! Thursdays from 8:30-10:30 AM in the New Mothers’ room.

Prayer for Prodigals: This group meets on the second Sunday of the month to pray for prodigals and those who do not know the Lord. Men & women are invited to join at 10:00 AM in the High School Multi-Purpose room.

Sunday Morning Prayer: This group of ladies meets in the New Mother’s Room at 8:00 am to pray for the services of the morning on Sunday. Stop by and pray!

Single Women

Single women of Crossroads have been working to build a community of friendship with one another! Check back soon to find details on our next event or gathering.

Have any questions? Email us!

The MomCo

Come be part of our monthly mom’s ministry, where we partner with The MomCo (previously known as MOPS) to provide a space for moms with kids at home to grow in the Lord and build community and support with one another.

We will be holding monthly meetups on the 3rd Thursday of every month. Your first time attending a meetup is FREE! But if you would like to become a MomCo member, click here and provide our group code: 5YPM.

Sign up here to let us know you’ll be joining us on February 20, at 6:30 pm for our next meetup.

Connect with the Women's Ministry