A crowd of hungry people had ventured out to see Jesus. When the time to eat came the disciples encouraged Jesus to send the people home, instead Jesus tells the…
As the disciples followed Jesus, they were being trained for more than just observing Jesus, they were being trained to do the things He does. Having witnessed Jesus proclaim the…
A desperate woman who had struggled for years grabs hold of Jesus as a final attempt to get well… and it works. We watch as Jesus heals and restores life…
There are people in our lives that we are tempted to give up, but with Jesus, the impossible is always possible. Encountering a man who had roamed literal graveyards possessed…
Fear can be crippling, causing us to be unable to see a way forward. As Jesus and the disciples encounter a storm, they quickly forget just who Jesus is, allowing…
Everyone loves a good story. Jesus often taught in parables to help make His point. The passage we look at today tells the story of different soils and why the…
Overwhelmed with gratitude a woman wipes the feet of Jesus with her tears and hair. Instead of recognizing the beauty of this moment, many felt the scandal of it. Instead…
Although it is five letters, doubt can often be treated like a four-letter word. Doubt is normal and when we doubt we must learn where to direct our doubts. John…