She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness.
Proverbs 31:26
Women’s Ministry at Crossroads provides opportunities for women of all ages to worship God together, study His Word, discover His will for our lives, and encourage each other through developing uplifting friendships.

Weekly Bible Study
Our Women’s Bible study gathers weekly and offers a variety of studies throughout the year. Each gives the opportunity to study the Bible personally and in community with other women. Join us to learn, make friendships, and have meaningful conversations about things that matter. Children’s and home school programs are available during our Tuesday morning study.
All are welcome to join us anytime! Join one of our studies currently in progress:
The Gospel on the Ground: The Grit and Glory of the Early Church by Kristi McLelland. Sign up to join us!
Bible Beginnings: Are you a new Christian or new to studying the Bible? We have a group for you! Bible Beginnings meets Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 pm. Email us with questions or to join anytime.
Stitched in Christ: This group meets to create hats and booties for Living Well Medical Clinic families, and for Bible devotion and discussion time. Sign up or get more info!
Women's Events
Girls’ Night Out: These quarterly events are for ladies to get out of the house and have some fun together! Stay tuned for the next event date.
Women’s Retreat: We host a women’s retreat every other year in Lake Tahoe at Zephyr Point Conference Center. Our next weekend retreat will be in July of 2024.
One-Day Retreat: This upcoming retreat will be right here at Crossroads Church in May. More information is coming soon!

Woman to Woman Mentoring
The Woman to Woman ministry provides an opportunity for women to meet one-on-one with a mentor who will walk alongside them in their unique season of life. Mentors are available to listen, encourage, and guide women toward Christ.
If you would like more information about this ministry or would like a mentor, please contact us at (530) 268-2539 or via email.
Divorce Care
This small group brings support and a caring community to women experiencing the difficulties that come with divorce. Join us to find wisdom and comfort in God’s word. You are welcome to join any time!
Email us with questions or to join.

Women's Prayer Groups
Women’s Intercessory Prayer: A group meets every week to pray together for the staff and ministries of Crossroads Church. If you would like to join them, there is no need to sign up, just show up! Thursdays from 8:30-10:30 AM in the New Mothers’ room.
Prayer for Prodigals: This group meets on the second Sunday of the month to pray for prodigals and those who do not know the Lord. Join us at 10:00 AM in the High School multi-purpose room.

Single Women
Single women of all ages are invited to our new Single Women’s Community! Meet other single women and let friendships blossom.
“Spring into Community” is an event to kick off this new ministry! Saturday, April 29 at 6 pm join us for dinner fellowship and a spring craft. Childcare is available by reservation. Sign up here.
Have any questions? Email us!

Mom's Time Out
Coming soon! This ministry is for moms of children ages birth through Kindergarten. Moms and kids hang outs begin this summer and our main meetings begin in September.